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35 drumstick recipes to make and die

    Dicas de Mulher

    Photo: iStock

    Coxinha… It has the traditional pub just around the corner, the most stylish amenities and bakeries in the country, the weekend bar, and even the most stylish and trendy restaurants!

    The secret of such success? A tasty and crunchy dough that includes a well-seasoned and preferably creamy filling!

    De origen paulista, el muslo está hoy en todos los rincones del país. La versión tradicional toma harina de trigo blanco rebozada, pollo relleno y se fríe remojándola en aceite caliente.

    Sin embargo, debido a tal éxito (y también a la creatividad característica de los brasileños), surgieron nuevas versiones de baquetas, con nuevos rellenos, ingredientes y preparación.

    Hoy en día, incluso aquellos que no comen carne, por ejemplo, pueden deleitarse con las versiones veganas de baquetas e incluso aquellos que evitan los alimentos fritos pueden apostar sin miedo a las versiones horneadas.

    ¡Inspírate a continuación con deliciosas recetas de baquetas en sus diversas versiones!

    Muslos De Pollo

    Foto: Reproducción / Frambuesa

    1. Muslo de pollo tradicional: una receta que parece compleja pero en realidad bastante fácil … Solo toma un poco de paciencia y tiempo, porque tiene varios pasos, pero al final, vale la pena, ¡porque se ve muy sabroso!

    2. Muslo de pollo con catupiry: tiene un relleno súper cremoso, ya que catupiry se mezcla con pollo. Además de estos ingredientes, básicamente necesitará leche, mantequilla, sal, harina de trigo, aceite de oliva, cebolla, ajo, pasta de tomate y pan rallado.

    3. Palillo con puré de papas: para hacer esta deliciosa receta que ganará a todos, usará solo crema agria, queso semicurado, papas, queso catupiry, pollo, sal, pimienta negra, huevos, aceite y pan rallado.

    4. Baqueta con masa de yuca: una forma de innovar en la preparación de la baqueta con la certeza de que el resultado final será delicioso. Para la pasta solo usará yuca cocida, mantequilla, harina y sal.

    5. Baquetas con masa de arroz: ¡Una excelente manera de reutilizar el arroz sobrante! El relleno se hace solo con pollo, queso catupiry, leche, sal, pimienta, limón y vodka (opcional).

    6. Muslo cremoso: en esta receta, la pasta ya tiene un sabor especial porque utiliza el caldo de pollo. A lo largo de la receta usará solo agua, caldo de pollo, filete de pollo, leche, cuajada, harina, mantequilla, perejil, huevos, pan rallado y aceite.

    7. Muslo de pollo con fondue catupiry: En esta receta especial, el catupiry no está dentro del muslo, sino en una sartén para fondue, disponible para que “mojes” el salado allí. Impresionante, ¿verdad? ¡Un buen consejo para recibir amigos en casa!

    8. Muslo de pollo y cuajada: un muslo jugoso, suave y crujiente. Tiene una pasta especiada con papas que está bien sazonada y un relleno de pollo con cuajada que no necesita comentarios. ¡Corre, mira la receta completa!

    9. Muslo sin rebozar con cono crujiente: una receta innovadora y fácil de hacer. Solo necesita pechuga de pollo, cebolla, ajo, aceite, sal, pimienta negra, tomates de olor verde, harina de trigo, pan rallado, huevo, pasta de ángel y aceite para freír.

    10. Baqueta de patata Baroa: La textura de esta baqueta es muy ligera; Y la mezcla de sabores, increíble. Un consejo importante es no dejar las baquetas demasiado pequeñas, porque cuanto más pequeñas, más difícil será el trabajo de modelado y relleno.

    11. Coxinha cremosa sin masa: solo necesitará aceite de oliva, ajo, cebolla, pechuga de pollo, sal, pimienta negra, agua, cuajada cremosa, perejil, huevos y pan rallado sazonado con sal.

    Baquetas diferentes

    Foto: Reproducción / Gastrolândia
















    12. Baquetas de carne molida: fácil de hacer, la masa toma harina, leche, mantequilla y sal. Esta pasta incluso se puede usar para hacer otros alimentos fritos. Ya el relleno, toma carne molida, aceite de oliva, sal, ajo, olor verde y especias al gusto.

    13. Baqueta de Mortadela: ¿qué tal poner dos cosas que aman a los brasileños, baqueta y mortadela? Esta receta es diferente, complacerá a todos y rinde 30 unidades. Vale la pena señalar el tutorial!

    14. Palillo de pavo: esta es una buena opción para reutilizar el pavo sobrante de la cena de Navidad. La pasta también es deliciosa y solo toma mantequilla, agua, sal, pimienta negra y harina.

    15. Cangrejo Coxinha y Catupiry: en esta versión distintiva, el muslo muy querido está relleno de carne de cangrejo y catupiry, y empanado con harina japonesa. La receta produce ocho unidades, que seguramente se devorarán rápidamente.

    16. Stem: Amazing, this recipe makes 20 units. You will only need ham broth, fresh cream, wheat flour, salt, black pepper, boneless ham, carrots, celery, leek, white wine and water.

    17. Crazy Beef Drumsticks: The result of this recipe is a tasty drumstick! To drive the meat crazy, you will only need flank fillet, onion, garlic, bay leaves, basil, olive oil, black pepper and salt.

    18. Cheesy thigh with beef jerky: a recipe for baked thigh, i.e. a lighter version. Pasta takes only three ingredients; and the filling too. The recipe is worth writing!

    19. Pumpkin stick with sun meat: a great option for those who like to vary. The pasta turns orange and delicious! You will need steamed pumpkin, water, broth, butter, salt, black pepper, flour, egg, onion, garlic, dried meat, tomato, parsley, creamy curd, egg, breadcrumbs. and oil

    Sweet drumsticks

    Photo: Reproduction / Gourmet Duo
















    20. Nest Coxinha Strawberry Nest: For sweet lovers, this is a recipe that is pure love! You will only use condensed milk, powdered milk, butter, strawberry and more powdered milk to finish.

    21. Galak Drumstick: This recipe produces 10 drumsticks and takes about 20 minutes to complete. You will use milk, water, margarine, wheat flour, Galak chocolate and sugar.

    22. Strawberry brigadeiro thigh: perfect for sweet lovers! Although it is a little harder to finish than it seems, the final taste cannot go wrong and will surely please most. It’s worth doing!

    23. Coxinha de churros: “coxurros” is proof that it is possible to combine two treats in one recipe. It is a stuffed thigh flavored with dulce de leche and churros. The recipe is easy and success is guaranteed!

    24. Guava Drumstick: an easy to make version with amazing taste! For the dough, you will choose a cake that can be ready and the flavor you want. Then, just crumble the cake and mix it with cream cheese or curd, shape and so on. In this recipe a corn cake was chosen, which combined very well with the guava filling.

    25. Dulce de leche thigh: To make this delicious dessert, you only need milk, water, sugar, salt, butter, vanilla essence and dulce de leche (condensed milk can also be cooked). The process has no secret: prepare the dough, fill and assemble the drumsticks and fry!

    26. Nutella Drumstick: You will only need milk, wheat flour, sour cream, butter or margarine, sugar, Nutella, egg and breadcrumbs. Nutella should be separated into small portions to be refrigerated first of all… This makes it more consistent and the perfect end result!

    Restrictive diet sticks

    Photo: Reproduction / Alternative seasoning
















    27. Flourless Chicken Thigh: Proof that you can include much-loved chicken thigh in a healthy diet! This version is low carb, low carb, and full of protein. It is worth it as a different bet and receive friends at home.

    28. Vegan jack fruit thigh: the vegan version for chicken thigh. The advice is that jackfruit “meat” is neutral, just like chicken, and catches the flavor of the spices you choose… so be sure to season!

    29. Gluten-free, lactose-free sweet potato thigh: a much healthier and more nutritious baked recipe. The pasta is very tasty and very easy to make. But you can also use wahoo, yams or regular potatoes instead of sweet potatoes.

    30. Gluten-free palm thigh: a vegan, gluten-free and baked recipe. A much healthier and lighter version than the traditional one. The paste is made with cassava, so it is very yellow and with a wonderful smell. But if you do not have cassava, you can use common potato, sweet potato, character or cassava.

    31. Baked functional drumstick: a drumstick full of “good” ingredients such as sweet potato, cassava, flaxseed, sesame … This recipe offers a list of health benefits. Write the recipe!

    32. Low carb thigh: For this recipe you will use only crumbly ricotta or grated cottage cheese, shredded chicken, egg, spices to taste and oat bran. A great tip for drumstick lovers, but who don’t want to give up the diet!

    33. Biomass thigh: a lactose-free, gluten-free functional thigh. The yield is approximately 10 units. And for those who wish, changing the filling, she can also be a vegan drumstick.

    34. Character stick: to make this recipe you will only use characters, rice flour, water, salt, onion, carrot, eggplant, black olive and shoyu. For frying, you will use the method of soaking in hot corn or sunflower oil.

    35. Broccoli Toothpick: For pasta, you will only need three ingredients, which are rice flour, yam or yam and salt. For the filling, use steamed broccoli, soy sauce and chestnut cream. A different and delicious version of drumsticks!

    Now you no longer have to leave home and go to a bar or bakery to enjoy that delicious drumstick: just choose your favorite recipe and get your hands dirty!


    It is important to take care of the patient, to be followed by the patient, but it will happen at such a time that there is a lot of work and pain. For to come to the smallest detail, no one should practice any kind of work unless he derives some benefit from it.

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